Thursday, August 20, 2009

What Goes Around Comes Around

Since the moment of conception....We as Spiritual Beings bring along with us * Baggage * this
baggage is called Karma. It determent's all the " Life Test " that You will face in this Life Time.
This is One of the most profound issues that Mankind ponders on. Do You really think the if a
Teacher or Master takes His or Her time to tell You to Love all others as You would like to be
Loved Yourself ? We create our own Reality...through our own thoughts..! Lie, and You will be
Lied to, Steal, and You will be stolen from, Hurt someone and someone will Hurt You, Be unfaithful
and someone will be Unfaithful to You, Make money by Teaching Spiritual Lessons, and You will
Dealt with accordingly....* The Universe has No Favorites *. The is a Very Rare Book entitled
THIS IS REALITY...if You can find a copy, I recommend You read it at lest 20 then
You will begin to understand How everything you do, will come back to you, make Easy on
Yourself and learn to Love Everything, starting will Yourself.

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